Holobiont: Woodcut Prints by Amanda Lilleston
January 30-March 8, 2025
Opening Reception: Thursday, Jan. 30th from 5-7pm
Artist Talk: Friday, Feb. 7th at 12:30pm, Emery Performance Space
Free and open to the public
Holobiont presents a selection of woodcut prints and sculptural collages by Maine-based artist, Amanda Lilleston. A holobiont is a host organism and its associated organic community that functions as a single ecological unit. Inspired by the interconnected systems of biology and physiology, Lilleston uses woodcut printmaking as a tool to explore the mutuality between the world and the bodies it continually shapes. She writes, “I have become acutely aware of my body being part of a larger environment as I navigate living with an autoimmune disorder where the body confuses “self” and “non-self”. I felt an even more porous boundary between myself and others as I ventured into pregnancy and motherhood. Our bodies are open systems that continually interact with the landscapes we inhabit. Humans are host to thousands of microscopic species that live in and on our bodies. Similarly, we live and exist in a working dynamic environment alongside thousands of other species.” Using drawing, relief carving, and printing, Lilleston transforms imagery of the body and landscape into shifting and evolving compositions, investigating the idea of self and what that means in an interconnected environment.

(Photo by Brian Fitzgerald)
Amanda Lilleston is an artist based in Belgrade, Maine. She uses woodcut printmaking as a tool to explore human biology and the ecology of her surroundings. Lilleston has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally including the International Triennial Colour in Graphic Arts in Torún, Poland; Boston Printmakers North American Print Biennial; the Atlanta Print Biennial; the Zillman Art Museum, and upcoming participation in the DI CARTA / PAPERMADE 6th edition: International Contemporary Art Biennale at the Museo Civico Palazzo Fogazzaro in Schio, Italy. She is an Assistant Professor of Art at Colby College.
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