April 2020 Staff News

Spotlight on IT Teams

COVID-19 brought forth many changes to the University of Maine System. Our daily routines were suddenly transformed, and with these changes came the need for new solutions. Students required access from home to on-line classes and university resources. Blackboard, Zoom and Kaltura became essential tools for faculty to teach from home. Staff had to adapt to virtual meetings and online tools in order to effectively work from home.

IT teams joined together in supporting the needs of our students, faculty and staff as they transitioned to learning, teaching and working from home. This collaborative response was accomplished with long hours and hard work by many. Thank-you for your quick response and outstanding effort in meeting the needs of our University community during these challenging times. Please visit our IT Highlights page for more details on these accomplishments. 


New 2020 Staff Member

Please join us in welcoming a new staff member to our team! Jeffrey York, Desktop Services Technician, joined USM IT Support Services in February 2020 and will be located on the Gorham campus.