UMS:IT Services Customer Survey 2023

Executive Summary

In the Spring of 2023, UMS:IT launched our first iteration of the UMS:IT Services Customer Survey, polling a randomly selected grouping of students, faculty, and staff. The survey was designed to further the goals connected to the Service Values identified in the UMS:IT Strategic Plan, including our clearly stated desire to deliver a suite of high-quality services designed to meet and exceed customer expectations regardless of skill set or location. The survey is intended to be the first in an annual process, and will help UMS:IT establish a baseline of satisfaction for the services that we provide.

The results of the survey were largely unsurprising for an initial engagement, with nearly all of the results staying very close to the middle of the scoring range, with an overall slightly positive lean. This does not provide much in the way of clear-cut direction on services that are under or over-performing but does at least help to establish a data point for future comparison. The UMS:IT survey team intends to revisit our survey goals and the instrument used for the next survey cycle, applying lessons learned from our initial survey attempt.

Despite the fairly standard results, several key takeaways were identified from the survey responses: 

  • The UMS community is most familiar with the Infrastructure and Desktop and Mobile Computing related services UMS:IT provides and is least familiar with the Research Computing and Student Services services. Given the scope of the customers that utilize those services, this is not surprising, but still valuable information. 
  • From the customer satisfaction perspective, most of the survey respondents did not demonstrate strong positive or negative sentiment towards UMS:IT services. The one notable exception to this finding was the IT Help Desk, which saw strong positive satisfaction for staff and faculty and borderline positive satisfaction for students. 
  • While responses stayed close to the midpoint, the overall trend did lean to the positive end of the spectrum. 
  • No significant differences in results were found based on the primary relationship with the University (e.g. student, faculty, or staff) or the campus affiliation of the respondents.

UMS:IT would like to thank all of the participants in this survey for their time in contributing to this valuable process. We look forward to further iterations of this survey and utilizing the collected data to identify new or needed improvements to UMS: IT-provided services.

Detailed Information

UMS:IT Services Customer Survey 2023 final report


UMS:IT Services Customer Survey 2023 slide deck.  Alternative Accessible Version of Customer Survey 2023 slide deck