January 2020

Spring 2020 Welcome Message

UMS Colleagues,

We welcome you back for the start of the Spring 2020 term.  This edition of the IT Connections newsletter provides information on a variety of projects that will not only have an impact on student learning and success, but improve technology services for the entire UMS community.  As noted in our inaugural edition, the IT Connections Newsletter is an essential component of our shared strategic goal to improve internal and external communication. We hope you will continue to find the information shared in this newsletter valuable. 

In this edition, we are pleased to share updates on several key projects that will provide direct benefit to the community, including the launch of the UMS OneCard Initiative and the recently announced grant award of $500,000 to support updates to the videoconferencing infrastructure at instructional sites across the state.  In addition, we have highlighted several current efforts and activities that are in alignment with the recently announced pursuit of Unified Accreditation; many of these initiatives have been identified as priorities through the US:IT Strategic Plan.

We would also like to call your attention to the ‘Tips and Tricks’ section which contains valuable information on time-saving and productivity-enhancing pointers.  Be sure to take a peek!  

On behalf of the entire US:IT team, we wish you a successful Spring term.

David M. Demers, Ph.D.,
Chief Information Officer