- Accommodate Implementation
- Advancement CRM
- Course Merchant
- Grants Management Solution (Kuali)
- Managed Print Services (Xerox)
- Peoplesoft Gender & Pronoun Implementation
- Team Dynamix – Asset Management
- Team Dynamix – IT Service Management
- Team Dynamix – Knowledge Management Implementation
- Team Dynamix – Project & Porfolio Management Implementaton
- UMaine/UMM MaineStreet Integration
- USM Website
- 2019 DLT RUS Grant
- 2020 DLT RUS Grant
Accommodate Implementation
This solution will allow campuses to document and unify the accommodation request process for enrolled UMS students, streamline accommodation letter production by integrating letter common templates with consistent language and allow for either paper or electronic delivery to students and faculty, provide a common request and delivery system for note-taking requests, effectively manage disability exam proctoring and provide students with greater independence in the process of scheduling and receiving accommodated testing, collect system-wide data to track number of students with disabilities including types of disabilities, accommodations provided and other data including accommodation usage, student retention and persistence.
The core team is working on the Accessibility Workflow configuration and will begin Appointment Configuration within the Accommodate System. Anticipate go live of this product is scheduled for Spring 2023.
Advancement CRM
The University of Maine System sought proposals for the provision of a comprehensive Constituent Engagement Management (CEM) solution for Advancement that will assist in the design, management, and execution of an online strategy for content management, email marketing, online giving, event management, membership management, and social networking integration. The RFP was awarded to UC Innovation for their Ascend product. Ascend runs on top of the Salesforce platform, is cloud-based, offers state-of-the-art functionality including robust mobile presentation, automated logic-based communication tools, and a high degree of configuration/customization. Ascend will be used by the Advancement and Alumni Association areas of UMS.
This project kicked off in late July and the core team is completing Sprint 1: Bio Demo Referential by verifying the acceptance criteria relating to Sprint 1, recording decisions, and performing user acceptance testing for new configurations. The next Sprint 2: Household/Corporation/Foundation Affiliation will begin during the week of October 17. Sprints will continue up to Fall 2023 followed by testing, training, conversion and deployment. Anticipated go live of the ascend product is scheduled for Spring 2024.
Course Merchant
Multiple departments within the University of Maine System (UMS) are in need of an e-commerce solution that will: a) Integrate with the UMS Brightspace learning management system, including registration b) provide access to both and users, c) enable registration, payment and tracking.
The site (via Course Merchant) went live on 9.26.22 and over 330 non-credit course registrations have been processed to date. The implementation pilot team is quickly learning how to use the administrative system features and working with the vendor to mitigate technical issues as they arise. The team will focus next on documentation and begin discussing governance.
Grants Management Solution (Kuali)
This project will implement Kuali’s pre-and post-award solution that will provide enterprise-level grants management to support multiple campuses. Efforts are currently focused on the financial setup and integration, data migration, validation testing, and resulting configuration changes.
Functional efforts are currently focused on documentation, system testing, and data migration. The financial integration is in development, and the second pass of data migration has been delayed. Staffing challenges, the need for additional functional support for unifying and documenting business process and testing, and the need for additional time to massage the historical data for the second pass of data migration are contributing factors in a recent decision to postpone go-live. The project team is currently assessing an updated timeline, in conjunction with its UMS partners and Kuali.
Managed Print Services (Xerox)
Through an RFP process, Xerox was chosen as the Print Services provider for UMS. This project will include several efforts including assessment of the current printer/copier fleet, developing a governance model, standardizing and streamlining the business financial model to better automate billing to provide unified cost allocation, and deployment of new devices.
A proposal was created for a funding model for devices and consumption costs. This model will be presented to the CBO’s for their feedback and approval. A survey is being developed to help the team understand what features of a Managed Print Service are most important to our customers.
Xerox Assessments & Device Ordering
Xerox has completed site visits at six locations. Site visits at remaining major campuses are scheduled through the end of October. An initial order of devices is nearly finalized.
The new instance of Papercut has been installed. A test device has been installed and tested to ensure that it reads ID badges and associates them to the correct user.
Service Delivery Design
The first meeting of the Service Delivery Design team is scheduled for next week.
Peoplesoft Gender & Pronoun Implementation
Students, faculty, and staff will be able to access and feel confident that the representation expressed in UMS systems or activities of record (Systems: HR, Academic, and other fed by MaineStreet, Activities: Marketing, Citing, etc.) accurately reflects gender and can be edited via self-service. This will be supported by training in appropriate interaction and responsible use of pronoun information.
The project team is focused on discovery, research, and communications planning. During the next subteam meetings, team members will narrow down the charge/ objectives for each group and select team leads. Following those meetings, the team will set target milestone dates.
Team Dynamix – Asset Management
The purpose of this project is to implement a new Asset Management system to include a new tool as well as business process improvements. Little progress has been made on adding classes of assets over the past month. Conversations are ongoing with classroom technology about how to best represent their assets.
Team Dynamix – IT Service Management
This project will complete our implementation of TeamDynamix as our primary tool for IT Service Management and will encompass the areas of Incident, Request, Problem, and Change Management.
Based on feedback from IT Staff after the discovery sessions, the core implementation team and our TeamDynamix consultants have drafted an “agile” implementation plan. A communication will be sent to all IT Staff next week with details of the plan. Kick-off of the first phase is planned for 10/12/2022.
Team Dynamix – Knowledge Management Implementation
A plan for tracking metrics related to knowledge management was completed. This was the final deliverable for the project. Project close-out activities will be completed over the next few weeks.
Team Dynamix – Project & Portfolio Management Implementation
The PMO is actively using TeamDynamix as our primary project management and reporting tool.
A new desktop was created to share with IT Leadership taht highlights projects, issues, and risks that are of concern.
Project Intake Process
A ticketing app is under development in Sandbox that represents the project intake and review process. Testing is scheduled for the week of 10/10
Project Management for IT teams beyond PMO
A pilot to onboard another IT department is scheduled to kick off on 10/12. We will use this pilot to identifies issues and concerns and develop an onboarding guide.
Project Management for Departments beyond IT
Several departments outside IT have expressed interest in using TeamDynamix for Project Management. The pilot noted above will help us develop a plan for onboarding and supporting use of this tool by other departments.
UMaine/UMM MaineStreet Integration
UMaine and UMaine Machias are involved in operationalizing the regional campus concept by incorporating UMM as a regional campus of UMaine. This project will incorporate UMaine and UMaine Machias into a single institution in MaineStreet (UMaine – UMS05) by integrating UMM (UMS04) course, program, student, and employee data under UMaine.
The CSTS3 test environment was refreshed after the new Oracle PUM was applied in the production Campus Solutions environment on 9/23. Testing in the refreshed CSTS3 environment is currently underway. The functional area teams are conducting cross-functional testing, and setup for testing the Financial Aid Year Roll is being applied.
USM Website
An extension to the launch date was discussed and ultimately granted to allow additional time for content entry. The new launch date is 11.28.22, and USM users are currently working on content entry through the end of the week. Technical development of the site is complete, and a plan for the remaining project tasks and activities is in place.
2019 DLT RUS Grant
Following a meeting with the USDA field coordinator, the project team will submit a scope of work change for the remaining equipment needed along with a request for a one year grant extension to allow ample time for the arrival of the equipment and installation. The grant is currently scheduled to expire in December 2022.
2020 DLT RUS Grant
We project team is awaiting receipt of Northern Light’s finalized equipment list. Once received, any modifications to equipment will be incorporated within the USDA scope of work change document. The team will also file a request for a grant extension to allow ample time for equipment arrival and installation.
The Penobscot Community Health Center equipment list has been finalized along with the equipment orders for UMPI and UMF. Modifications to the equipment will be incorporated into the scope of work change document.
The last piece of Phoenix Medical Group equipment should arrive on site this week.